Just landed: Dom Conlon's new moon-themed poetry collection 'This Rock That Rock'

Dom Conlon

Dom Conlon

We’re extremely uplifted to announce the launch, the take-off, the rocketing of Dom Conlon’s brand new collection of poems, This Rock, That Rock.

The book is sub-titled ‘Poems between you, me and the moon’ which gives you a big clue about what lunar wonders you can find inside - and it also explains why we’re really going for it with our ‘launch’ metaphors!

Written by Dom and illustrated by Viviane Schwarz, this highly original collection of 50 poems celebrates our Moon in a multitude of ways. There are poems about how the Moon controls our tides, how gives us 24-hour days and the fact that it keeps our planet stable enough to have seasons. Dom also invites us to explore what it might be like to live on the Moon, or to steal it, or to eat it!

To do this, Dom uses all kinds of poetry forms… short poems and long ones, silly poems and serious ones. There are haiku and sonnets, acrostics and shapes. He uses kennings and metaphors and slang, and a whole variety of rhymes and rhythms.

You (yes, you!) are invited to the launch

We may all be currently in lockdown due to Covid-19, but this hasn’t stopped Dom from launching his book. It also means that you can witness the launch, from your very own living room. So grab your drinks and snacks, settle into a comfy chair (or the front seat of your spaceship) and… CLICK HERE FOR TAKE-OFF!

Find out more

Discover more about Dom Conlon and his brand new poetry collection, This Rock, That Rock.