Brand new picture book: The Island by Judith Wisdom

We’re kicking off the spring with a brand new picture book! The Island is written and illustrated by Judith Wisdom, a Bath-based artist.

It’s a beautiful story about the difficulties of being different, in which three friends who don't fit in with the world around them set off on a journey to find a place where they feel more at home. At first they think they’ve found the perfect spot, but soon they discover that all is not as it seems and this new place may be even more unfriendly than the one they left behind.

“This is a thoughtful, multi-layered book that needs rereading,” says Bronnie Mayho of online bookstore “There’s so much going on, so much to wonder over. I can see it being read with older children as well as young ones, and included within philosophy discussions.” 

We caught up with Judith (Jude) Wisdom to chat about her inspiration for the book.

The story is very contemporary. Did you write it in response to recent world events, or was it inspired by a personal experience, or by something else entirely? 

The initial idea was sparked while watching a tiny Pride march in a square in Florence, Italy, a few summers ago. This small group was also marching for peace and for protecting the natural world, and they carried a beautiful rainbow banner with 'Peace' embroidered on it. They moved joyfully through the square followed by a gaggle of small children and some happy dogs, but then they were met with some fairly cold stares from some of the waiters. 

Did the waiters disapprove of men in dresses? Or weren't they keen on the music? I don't know (it's all too easy to jump to conclusions). But I found the whole scene beautifully fleeting and deeply moving. Perhaps it was the idea of a tiny group with a homemade banner coming together on a Sunday afternoon to try and make a difference, despite receiving a frosty reception, that moved me.  

How did you move from an initial idea to the actual story?

I started to think  about the notion of conforming, or being forced to conform, and this expanded into thoughts of 'otherness' and how it feels to be in exile, homeless, or far from home. The refugee crisis is clearly foremost in many people's minds, and I wanted to explore the idea that fortunes can change very quickly, and ultimately how dependent we all are on each other's sense of empathy and humanity. From there it was a process of sketching out ideas, and moving between words and images. Here are a few earlier sketches.

Are the main characters, the three friends, based on anyone you know?

Little Lion is basically my dog, Hector! He’s a very cute spaniel, always ready to think the best of people, but easily spooked too! Lady Moon is an amalgamation of all of my kind and optimistic friends and family… a mother figure. Everyone needs a Lady Moon in their life. Trunky is the spirit of that little march in Florence. 

Have you had experiences of feeling like you didn't fit in or weren't accepted? 

For sure! Haven’t we all? I think I've probably spent a lifetime not really fitting in.  When I was younger, not fitting in seemed to matter a lot. Now I tend to embrace it! 

What was your experience of working with Troika on this book?

It's been a joy working with Troika. They’re extremely open to new ideas, and the whole process has been a beautiful creative dance!

Thank you! Finally, how have you been coping during lockdown?

Lockdown has undoubtedly brought its own a set of peculiar stresses and strains! But as an artist, everyday life hasn't really changed that much for me personally… although I do miss going to cafes and sitting working in my sketchbook. And I really miss travel! 

The local woods have become a firm friend, and I've been painting for an exhibition and working on some new ideas for children's books. I know I’ve been pretty lucky, and I do hope other people's lockdown experiences have been ok… let’s raise our glasses to some better times ahead and the dawning of some new opportunities and fresh starts!

The three friends make one of several escapes, in a final spread from ‘The Island’

The three friends make one of several escapes, in a final spread from ‘The Island’

Where it all happens: Jude’s studio in her home in Bath

Where it all happens: Jude’s studio in her home in Bath